Medical Missions / Charitable Contributions

Introduction to Pacira

Pacira BioSciences, Inc. is committed to improving patient care through support of medical missions and charitable contributions aimed at underserved populations in low and middle income communities.

Pacira supports recognized, independent, not-for-profit organizations, foundations, patient advocacy organizations, professional medical associations and community enrichment programs registered in the United States by providing grants (in the form of product and/or funding) for medical missions and charitable initiatives (involving both surgical and non-surgical pain management).

All medical missions and charitable contributions grant applications are reviewed by Pacira for alignment with therapeutic areas of focus and mission as well as compliance with policies and requirements. Grant requests are also reviewed for compliance with Pacira policies and relevant legal and industry guidance including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Office of the Inspector General (OIG), the AdvaMed Code, and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA). If you are interested in applying for support of a medical mission or charitable contribution, please review the submission process and apply online by clicking here. Pacira will review and consider all grant proposals for medical missions and charitable initiatives but is not obligated to provide support for any proposals received.

Note: If you are looking for support of an educational activity directed toward health care providers (HCPs), patient education initiatives, or fellowship support, please see the educational grants section of the website.

Please note that approval of medical missions and charitable initiatives are not contingent upon the use, purchase, or recommendations of Pacira products.

The process

Requests for medical missions and charitable contributions are reviewed on an ongoing basis and may be submitted at any time and for any start date, provided that the application is submitted, if applicable, 60 days or more prior to the commencement of the activity under consideration.

The information submitted by the requestor must include a reasonably detailed description of the activity for which funding is requested, including, for medical missions the medical need, mission objectives, mission start/end dates, and location.

The following is an example of required information that must be submitted in order for the request to be considered complete:

  • Activity title
  • Activity description
  • Activity start date
  • Activity end date
  • Activity location
  • Activity objectives
  • Primary organization
  • Activity partners (if applicable)
  • Disease and/or therapeutic area
  • Documentation of IRS 501(c)(3) status, if applicable
  • Expected number of patients impacted
  • Total amount requested for the full activity, in either funding or product donation
  • Letter of request on the requesting organization’s letterhead
  • W-9 form (signed and dated within the last 12 months)

Applicants who have received prior grant funding, but have not completed a final budget reconciliation for a past activity (if activity end date has passed, and was at least 75 days ago) are not eligible for future funding.

Responsibility for and control over the medical mission or charitable initiative belongs solely to the activity organizer(s).

Use of grant funds and donated products

Acceptable use

Charitable donations and donated products should only be used to support those costs/activities associated with the development, delivery or evaluation of the approved charitable grant.

Unacceptable use

Charitable donations and donated products should not be used for research studies/activities. If you are interested in conducting a research study, please visit the IIT page to register and apply for a research grant.

In the event the medical mission of charitable activity is cancelled, the grant recipient should notify Pacira in writing of the cancellation and should return all funds and/or product as indicated in the fully executed agreement.

Grant reconciliation and close out

Upon grant reconciliation/close out, recipients are required to provide a detailed activity, budgetary, and/or product reconciliation form within 60 days of the activity end date demonstrating that funds/products were used solely for the activity.

  • At the close of the medical mission, recipients will be asked to return any unused product(s) or provide a letter of destruction for any unused product(s) (where applicable) or as directed by Pacira.
  • At the close of any charitable initiative, recipients will be asked to return any unused funds >$100 (Note: unused funds< $100 need not be returned given the administrative burden for the grant recipients and the company).

Pacira reserves the right to request return of grant funds if the actual activity deviates substantially from that described in the original grant application.


Pacira requires grant recipient(s) to comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, industry standards and Pacira policies. Applicants whose proposal has been approved will be sent an agreement, which will set forth the obligations associated with the approved grant. Applicants will have four weeks from the date the agreement is sent/emailed/uploaded to review, sign and return the agreement. If the agreement is not returned within four weeks, the contingent approval may be withdrawn.

Each request is evaluated on its merits and available funding. Pacira proposes to fund as many charitable initiatives as possible. However, as the need for support continues to grow, we are not able to fund every request.


What are the grant recipient's responsibilities?
  • Meet applicable deadlines as outlined in the executed agreement
  • Submit a detailed activity and budgetary reconciliation as outlined in the executed agreement
  • Communicate to the Pacira Grant Review Committee (PGRC) key activity milestones, where applicable, (failure to communicate or adhere to milestones may result in revocation of support)
  • Return unused funds and/or product (Note: unused funds< $100 need not be returned given the administrative burden for the grant recipients and the company)
  • Provide a letter of destruction for any unused product (if applicable)
On what basis does the Pacira Grant Review Committee make its decision?
  • Addresses an unmet need
  • Alignment with Pacira’s therapeutic areas of focus and mission
  • Compliance with company policy and legal and regulatory requirements
How often does the Pacira Grant Review Committee meet?

The grant committee attempts to meet monthly.

Who can apply for a Pacira medical missions and charitable contributions grant?

Any qualified not-for-profit organization in good standing

Am I required to apply online?

Yes, you must make your request for support through the Pacira grant portal located here.

How long does the submission process take?

Every submission is unique but in general, from submitting your grant request to signing the contract may take up to 60 days.

How long will it take for the product donation to arrive?

You should allow approximately one week from the fully executed agreement for the product to ship. Product arrival may differ based on your geographic location and product(s) requested.

Where can product be shipped?

Product can only be shipped to a verified medical office.

What should be included in the grant budget?

The budget should include all activity-related expenses. Costs should be itemized and in accordance with fair market value.

I was told that my grant proposal would be approved by the grant committee, but I received a denial letter. How did that happen?

Grants can only be approved by the PGRC. Accordingly, no individual Pacira employee can approve a grant request. As a requestor, you should not accept any verbal or written promises from any Pacira employee as they are not authorized to make such promises. You will receive notification through the Pacira grant portal on the status of your request.

My grant proposal was approved, now what?

Upon approval, Pacira requires an executed agreement outlining the responsibilities of the parties with respect to the provision of the grant and any related activities. Pacira will review and consider all relevant grant proposals but is not obligated to provide support for any proposals received.